Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Be who and what you want

Sometimes, especially when working through extremely intense life stuff, you find yourself a place of peace. A place where things just feel right. A place where things are still not perfect or maybe even still tough, but you don't mind it because you are at peace and external things aren't bringing up the same responses as they normally would. You may even find yourself on the recieving end of multiple blessings.

My divorce was finalized a week ago today. I am very thankful for that life experience and the growth that I made as an individual while being a part of that relationship.

When you let go of fear and are able to be your real self, your most authentic self at all times, you reach this state of freedom and euphoria even. Who are you? Did you let your true self be seen today? Or did you mask it to protect your heart? Be you with no regrets, and you may find an abundance of blessings showing up out of nowhere. Relish in them. Drink in the goodness. And if you find yourself in that tough place, step outside of yourself, outside of your attachments, outside of your ego, notice the connectedness of everything. If you are feeling sad, embrace it. Let your tears flow. There's beauty in being soft, in completely feeling your emotions, in being human.

Be who and what you want out of life and you will find who and what you want reflected right back at you.

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