Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sri Dharma Mittra

Until I have time to synthesize the first portion of my training with Sri Dharma Mittra in NYC, this interview from Yogi Times with him is very beautiful and very true to his teachings.

Sri Dharma Mittra

Photo from The Dharma Yoga Center website

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Utah County Yoga Festival

This once was a little dream of mine, and now it's happening. I'm so excited to have one big event in Utah County to connect our community and share our love of yoga. 

All teachers are donating their time and efforts. All proceeds are going to be donated to the Center for Women and Children in Crisis in Provo, Utah. Find our event on Facebook at 

Utah County Yoga Festival November 15th at Walden School of Liberal Arts in Provo, Utah!

Much Love and Light. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Love, Love, Love

The last few months have been straight up magic for me. I feel like I've connected more intimately with the earth, my people, and mostly myself then I have in a long time.  And what I have come to find is that it's all about love. Love without boundaries. Love without control. Love with your whole heart in every single moment. Love isn't a burden. Love frees you. Love lightens the load. Love just lets you be perfectly imperfect without the feeling of judgement.

My daughter and I were able to play and frolic and cuddle and swim and laugh.
Somedays being a mom is the hardest thing in the universe, but all of that melts away when she grabs my cheeks and says, "Momma, I lus (love) you." I'll be honest and vulnerable here, I have no clue what I'm doing as a parent. But I keep trying. I think that's what being a parent is, trying no matter what to be whatever you need to be for the beautiful soul you brought into this world. 

The last few months have I have begun a journey with this human, and I have been so inspired by him. I always thought it cliche when people say, "He/She makes we want to be a better person." But then this happened and I completely understand. 

I think the most coherent way to wrap-up this post is with some song lyrics from "Love, Love, Love" by As Tall As Lions:
Have I ever told you before
I think you're beautiful when
you're sleeping?

After some time it's something I find true. 
Love's not a grave, it won't decay on you.
Too many days I was afraid of love.

But don't get too attached to the living,
even every single memory's fleeting.

Give it to me, love. 
I'll keep you in my focus with love and affection

Friday, May 16, 2014

Be Willing to Fall

I learn only from mistakes.

"You have to be willing to fall," I often say this when I teach yoga. To find balance in a posture you have to fall. You have to fall a lot, especially when you're going upside down. This teaches you which muscles to engage to stay lifted. That moment of lift is pure bliss, pure magic. It's worth the fall in the middle of a crowded room. It's worth the bruise to your ego.

Being willing to fall is a big task to ask of yourself, for me to ask of others, to fall is scary. You have to be brave. Falling is the unknown. Falling means you've lost control. There's risk involved. Do you grow the most when you play it safe or when you take a risk? Think about it. Be honest with yourself.

You have to surrender some control to try something new, to do something you have never done. The worst thing that could happen is you fail. What if you do fail?

What if you fall? Do you leave the yoga class? Or do you try again? If you don't get that dream job, do you settle? Or do you do the work? I think a peace and acceptance can be drawn forth even in the midst of frustration and disappointment. You have to choose to think of the positive in those moments. Your reality is whatever you choose to let your mind settle on. Settle on the positive, settle on the fact that you can get up and try again every single day, every moment.

Just notice what you do when things get hard.  Realize you have control over your mind. You have the choice to not give up, to try again. Magic might occur when you do.

Photography by Eric R. Ward
Instagram @a4gpa

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Sometimes I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions. I know in my heart what I want, but I feel a lot of judgement for whatever it may be. So I step back, put up defenses and think I'm doing everyone a favor. But what is it in my heart that I want to do, to be, to see?

I need to be strong enough to not let others sway me. Easier said then done, but I know I can do it. For now, I'll just breathe.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Slow down

Something that has been on my mind over the last month is slowing down. Modern society is constantly bombarding us with messages to do more, be more, and equating that with our worth as a human being. After making myself busier than I actually need to be for a while, I've been trying to rebel. To slow down. To revel in the present moment.

How have I done this?
By being flexible. I made a plan, it didn't work out, why fill that time with another checklist item? Go with the flow.
Making time to connect. I have been making it a priority to have date night with just my little girl. She chooses what she wants to eat (usually some place with a cookie) and another activity, usually going to the park. We play and talk and giggle.

I'm still not a master at this, it's in my nature to "Go, go,go," or at least that's what I have thought for a long time, but my intention is set. I'm making time to live and just be.

Photography by Eric R. Ward

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hello there ego and tailbone

I practice yoga everyday. I practice yoga when I feel powerful, but I find myself learning more when I practice while I feel weak. With a bruised tailbone I've been stepping on my mat and "easy" poses or transitions (like stepping from downdog to warrior one) hurt so badly. Needless to say my practice is not my usual practice right now. But, because it is the now it is where I am.

I find myself acutely aware of movements and parts of my body that I take for granted. In a day or two the bruising will be down (I hope!) and I'll be back to my regular ways. Until then, I'm going to breathe into this moment and enjoy this not so comfortable part of my journey. There is something to be learned from every experience.

Photography by Eric R. Ward