Friday, May 16, 2014

Be Willing to Fall

I learn only from mistakes.

"You have to be willing to fall," I often say this when I teach yoga. To find balance in a posture you have to fall. You have to fall a lot, especially when you're going upside down. This teaches you which muscles to engage to stay lifted. That moment of lift is pure bliss, pure magic. It's worth the fall in the middle of a crowded room. It's worth the bruise to your ego.

Being willing to fall is a big task to ask of yourself, for me to ask of others, to fall is scary. You have to be brave. Falling is the unknown. Falling means you've lost control. There's risk involved. Do you grow the most when you play it safe or when you take a risk? Think about it. Be honest with yourself.

You have to surrender some control to try something new, to do something you have never done. The worst thing that could happen is you fail. What if you do fail?

What if you fall? Do you leave the yoga class? Or do you try again? If you don't get that dream job, do you settle? Or do you do the work? I think a peace and acceptance can be drawn forth even in the midst of frustration and disappointment. You have to choose to think of the positive in those moments. Your reality is whatever you choose to let your mind settle on. Settle on the positive, settle on the fact that you can get up and try again every single day, every moment.

Just notice what you do when things get hard.  Realize you have control over your mind. You have the choice to not give up, to try again. Magic might occur when you do.

Photography by Eric R. Ward
Instagram @a4gpa

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