Monday, December 9, 2013

A Yoga Thanksgiving [a Recap on Happiness]

Happiness is...

...warm sun kissing my skin as I lay beneath the Arizona sky
...meeting new people and hearing new stories
...being inspired continually by the pure strength and joy of those around me
...being in my own filth and not really caring because no one else around me has showered for days either
...slacklining outside again
...Spitz peppered sunflower seeds
...being thrown around like an acro rag doll with super talented yogi friends
...talking things out
...pure love and joy
...not counting calories for a week
...being silly and playful
...doubling the amount of National Parks I have visited in 48 hours
...breathing into it
...handstand canes (need I say more?)
...driving home safely on a donut
...healing my leg through yoga
...breakfast by Lake Mead
...going to bed early and sleeping in (what every mom rarely gets) in the dirt
...rock climbing outside for the first time ever
...a playful Bikram class where handstands were encouraged! What the?! introduction to Forrest Yoga
...creating yoga art with my dear friend, Eric
Photography by Eric R. Ward
...peppermint mochas and lemonade Rockstars
...coming home to this face
Photography by Eric R. Ward

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